Monday, May 30, 2011

Its co-op time!!

Today marks a new chapter in the MWL story.  I begin my very first co-op.  Its only a little one, but I am really excited.  Because of this, I wont be starting any new customs (just finshing the ones that have been finalised and paid for) or making anything for auctions or fundraisers - just until I am done.

Unfortunatley today two of the four troublemakers are sick with the first cold/flu of the winter season so I am not sure exactly how much work I will get done :)

I am also getting the website back up and running.  As much as I love the interactive values of Facebook, its not where I want the main focus of MWL to be.  I will be trying to blog more and keep you all updated here as well as on FB.  Keep your eyes open in July as well..... word around the place is that there might just be a stocking lurking around!!

Well thats it from me, stay wonderful.



Sunday, May 22, 2011

The goings on in the land of Luff!!

I really need to show a bit more attention to my little old blog!!  It gets neglected all to often.  Lots is happening here at the moment, I have been plodding through my facebook custom list, I am in the final round of testing for a new product (TBA in the new financial year), I am just about to start work on my very first co-op (bit nervous about this one!!) all whilst attending to the 4 beautiful trouble makers and planning a wedding for later this year :) 

A few things have been going on in the MCN world.  New nappy makers are starting up, more people are starting to use cloth - all in all a wonderful thing. However, with all this new choice for nappy buyers please realise that although we are businesses we are also mothers, wives, sisters and daughters.  We have lives away from nappies or children's products, we have feelings and we are real people.  We are not always available, although you may 'see' us online, so please remember this before 'venting' frustrations.  Also there has been a few comments of late about replicating designs.  No wahm in good conscious would replicate someones work, and most of us know each other so we do know what others are up to.  Understandably there are some designs that everyone loves, but would you love it if there were 30 of them?

Anyway thats my ramble for the day.  Hope you are all wonderful.
